Fayetteville, NC | (910) 988-9328


Driving can be a challenge in itself. Now doing it at night adds another level of difficulty to that activity. AMSOIL: Huff Oil Group in Fayetteville lists their best suggestions for safer night drives. 

Ensure safer night drives with a synthetic oil change to prevent unforeseen faults. Call AMSOIL: Huff Oil Group in Fayetteville at (910) 988-9328 to contact an AMSOIL dealer in your area.

The Intricacies of Night Driving

This activity requires you to be more alert and attentive behind the wheel than during daylight. So, it would be best if you devised ways to improve your safety and that of others. Some tips listed below are helpful when driving at night in the city. Still, it's worth mentioning them so as not to disregard them. Some other tips apply only to highway driving when the sun has gone down.

You Can Always Refrain From Driving When It's Dark

Late-night driving is not advised for novice drivers. Being behind the wheel in the dark demands skill and focus to prevent road accidents. If you are new to this, try practicing on clear roads and wide streets to give you more room for movement. You can plan your routes or take breaks when the sun has gone down and resume your trip when the sun rises. You can also ask an acquaintance for help and take turns along the way.

Use the Headlights

It may be an evident issue, but one can't fail to bring this up. Turning on your headlights when it's getting dark is the first step to safer night drives on the highway. If you don't know when to turn on your beams, the best time to do this is when you notice that other cars are not casting a shadow. You can use it even in the middle of the day when it is too cloudy.

Low Beams

Using the low beams is the most common and recommended step in low visibility instances. Remember that the lights are not only to light your way but also to be visible to other drivers nearby. Spot the low beams control by the headlight icon. It looks like a capital D, with small diagonal lines going down.

Respect Speed Limits

Facing a clear path as far as the eye can see is not a good reason to speed up. You must observe speed limits, notice the road conditions, and the potential influx of vehicles before speeding. Also, remember that the faster you drive, the less field of vision and reaction time you will have in abrupt scenarios.

Visit AMSOIL’s online store or contact AMSOIL: Huff Oil Group in Fayetteville if you need recommendations from an AMSOIL dealer. Call (910) 988-9328 to learn how to guarantee safer night drives. 

Don't Drive If You Feel Tired

There's no worst scenario than feeling weariness kicking in as you drive on the highway at night. The road's monotony and the late hours will make you feel drowsy, which is why you must be sharp behind the wheel until you get to your destination.

Set Your Own Driving Norms

Before you go out at night, you should always rest well, so don't neglect your sleeping hours! Then, come up with ways to avoid drowsiness when driving. Try asking your co-pilot for help to make conversation and stay awake. You can also try to listen to music and sing, chew gum, or open the window a little to get a breath of fresh air. These tips are to clear your mind a bit. If the drowsiness persists, pull over to the side of the road to get some sleep or somewhere safe.

Using the High Beams

Knowing how to use your high beams is paramount when driving on the highway at night. Remember that you should only use these high beams when there's no vehicle nearby, neither in the opposite direction nor in front of you. These types of lights serve to illuminate poorly-lit roads. So, having a safe distance will give you more reaction time when facing impediments, such as:
  • animals
  • obstacles
  • accidents
  • people

When Should You Turn off the High Beams?

One of the primary skills that a good driver must have when driving at night on the road is to control the high beams. When you realize that a vehicle is coming in the opposite direction, you must turn the high beams off to avoid dazzling the other drivers. You must also turn them off when approaching another vehicle traveling in the same direction. The same advice applies when another car passes you, so turn off the high beams while moving away.

Call AMSOIL: Huff Oil Group in Fayetteville at (910) 988-9328 if you need help finding the right products for your car. Such as AMSOIL’s Signature Series 0W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil.